SOOOOOOOO after nearly 2 hours trying to enter Whore Couture 5 , i finally got in but my main focus wasn´t at all the yummy & sexy stuff ( was a huge temptation believe me ) it was in fact the idea of getting the 5 L$ Gifts each store has placed . There is a Black box with Whore couture logo ready to buy. Click them and get them . Well here is a selection of some of the gifts i got. Outfit & Ears: .iR. Beaded Kitty Ears & Serena Bodysuit Hand Tattoo: .Things.- Henna Hands Tattoo Bracelets: MINIMAL - Black Bracelets Rings: Meva MeiMei Ring black Silver Necklace: Kenvie - Diamond Triangle Arrow Necklace - Silver Beaded Necklace: :Z.S: Tasty pearls!! (Pink/black) Glasses: *Epic* Kawaii Heart Shield Sunglasses! Nose Ring: [sYs] TANDEM nose-ring - silver Teleport to the Whore Couture 5 1 - Milk Tea 2 - A Breakfast Convo 3 - Abrasive 4 - TABOU 5 - the pose shop 6 - Urbano/FLI 7 - adored 8 - POMPOSITY 9 - Beautiful Dirt...